Friday, August 29, 2014


Motivation...or lack thereof...

I have been far from motivated to run or exercise in general and am hoping that writing about it will help me.  I googled "how to get motivated to work out", "what to do when your stuck in a running rut", etc.  None of it seemed motivating. To be honest, it just showed me HOW unmotivated I am. I mean, I am registered for a half marathon in 3 weeks! The beginning of the summer, I was consistently working out and running. I do a combination of running and weights with some cross training.

The past month I was working less (since I work in a school), so I was hoping that the reason was because I was simply lazy.  Well ya, it definitely is because I'm lazy. I just don't want to get off my lazy ass and work out (although I love the thought of working out and how I feel after!) That initial step of turning off the TV and getting changed into running clothes has been a major challenge.

OK so back to WHY do I feel this way?  Why am I not motivated to workout?!!?

I decided to come up with a list of easy changes to hopefully help keep me motivated for more than one day!

1.  Try listening to an audiobook or new music. Maybe if I have something that I'm looking forward to reading..well listening to, I will be motivated to work out??
2.  Make short term goals WEEKLY.  Week 1 (August 31-Sept 6) is workout for at least 30 minutes 4 times.  I have Monday off for Labor Day so hopefully this will be easier??
3.  Make a running date and group class with a friend.  Friends will hold me accountable!!!

OK this should be a good start. My 4 workout days are in my calendar..Let's see if this works! Maybe if I can follow my weekly goals for a certain number of weeks, I can treat myself to something (new shoes, massage, running clothes?!) Yesss I am ALL about tangible positive reinforcers!!!!!

What motivates you to work out? Are you a morning or night person to work out? I would love to hear for any of your ideas!

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